5 Blogging Lessons We Can Learn From Yoda

Last week, I wrote a guest post for Pushing Social about some sage blogging advice you can learn from Yoda, our favorite Star Wars character. I didn’t want the Blue Kite readers to miss out, so I’m posting an excerpt of the post here.

If you want to become a master jedi blogger, then you’ll want to head over to Pushing Social to check out this post.

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I’ll admit it. I am not a huge Star Wars fan.

But, my husband is. In fact, when he discovered I hadn’t seen the movies a few months before our wedding, he promptly sat me down to watch all of them.

Like most people, I immediately liked Yoda. Besides being oddly cute with those big green ears, Yoda is one smart dude. His short, quippy nuggets of wisdom go beyond training Luke to be a Jedi master. His advice can be applied to our every day life….even blogging.

Want to be a better blogger? Then look no further than the Dagobah system for some wisdom from our little green friend.

Lesson 1: “Do Or Do Not… There Is No Try.”

If you want to be successful with blogging, quit trying. Start doing. What could you do to improve your blog today?

For those of you that have been blogging for a while, look at what you can do to amp up your game. Pick one thing you can do this week to move your blog forward, then make it happen.

Or, if you haven’t yet started a blog, quit thinking about it and just do it. Don’t worry about whether you have the right theme or plugins to start. Just start writing and put yourself out there.

The bottom line is that trying doesn’t get you anywhere. It’s the
 doing that really matters.

Want to read the rest? Check out the full post at Pushing Social.

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Picture of Laura Click

Laura Click

Laura Click is brand strategist, speaker, podcaster and the founder of Blue Kite. Learn more about Laura and her work at Blue Kite.

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