Top Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016 {Podcast}

As digital marketing and social media continues to evolve, marketers must stay on top of the trends in order to get results.

Although we don’t recommend chasing the latest and greatest shiny object, it pays to understand how the marketing landscape is changing so you can adapt to it.

Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016

We don’t have a crystal ball handy, but we do have some ideas about where digital marketing is heading next year.

In this episode of The Marketing Huddle, we’ll share our ideas about the top marketing trends to watch in 2016 so you and your team can stay ahead of the curve.

Here’s what we cover on the show:

  • How Facebook will continue to evolve into a rich content platform;
  • Why mobile is no longer simply a trend to watch, but a practice that’s integrated into your marketing approach;
  • What’s next for Twitter and what that means for you;
  • Google further distances itself from social;
  • How content, SEO and social media will become further integrated;
  • We debate whether video will continue to be prominent;
  • Why you should consider hypertargeting and social media advertising; and
  • Much, much more!

We pack a lot into this 20-minute episode — you don’t want to miss it!

Listen to the Show

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For show notes and other resources, check out our post on The Marketing Huddle.
 And if you didn’t get a chance to take notes while listening, not to worry! We’ve got a transcript available so you won’t miss a thing.

Get our Free Marketing Toolkit

We have a special bonus for you — a free eBook with our favorite marketing tools!

During Episode 10, we spent almost an hour discussing our favorite marketing tools. But here’s a secret, we didn’t cover our complete list – because it would have been a four-hour podcast.
 Instead, we put our entire list of 46 top marketing tools in an eBook! Sign up for the eBook and we’ll make sure you’re updated regularly with our favorite new resources and tools. Get it here.

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks for checking out today’s show! What
 do you think will be a big hit in 2016? Is there anything you think is going to burn out?

As always, if you enjoyed this episode, we encourage you to leave us a review on iTunes. Your feedback is invaluable and we love hearing from our awesome listeners. As a thank you for your iTunes review, we’ll send you a FREE leather-bound journal! Once you’ve left a review, go here to tell us where to send it.

We look forward to your feedback!

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Picture of Laura Click

Laura Click

Laura Click is brand strategist, speaker, podcaster and the founder of Blue Kite. Learn more about Laura and her work at Blue Kite.

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