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Reading Roundup: Doing Social Media Right (and Wrong)

March 26, 2010

It’s Time to Ditch the Robot

There are countless tools on the market to help you automate and streamline social media usage. However, do all of these tools take the “social” out of social media?

Social Media in the Courtroom

Social media is a growing phenomenon that has invaded the courtroom. Whether courts decide to use this media, it’s important to understand it’s benefits and pitfalls.

Reading Roundup: Sesame Street Style

This week, Sesame Street celebrated its 40th Anniversary on the front page of Google. Read more about that and my other favorite articles in this week’s reading roundup.

List mania: Making sense of Twitter Lists

It’s only been a few short days since Twitter rolled out its lists feature to all of its users, and already users are buzzing about the new feature. A quick search on Technorati turned up more than 2000 blog posts on the topic.

Weekly Reading Roundup: Who’s a Journalist?

The journalism industry is in constant flux, especially with the advent of social media. This week’s articles highlight the debate about social media, objectivity and “who’s a journalist, anyway?”

Weekly Reading Roundup: Grammar Junkie

I’ve read a lot of great articles this week, but I’ve narrowed it down to my top five. This week, I noticed a couple of interesting articles about grammar usage. No matter what industry you are in, good grammar is paramount. Read these articles to make sure you’re on track!

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