This is an excerpt from a guest post I wrote for Nicole VanScoten’s blog as part of
#BeMyGuest, which is a month of guest blogging.
Imagine you’re in a crowded bar. The music is pumping and the atmosphere is electric. You spot a guy (or girl) across the room that catches your eye. Your pulse quickens. You want to meet this person, but how do you strike up a conversation without feeling awkward?
Sound familiar?
If you’ve ever tried meeting new people in a bar, you know how difficult it can be. A bar is crowded. It’s noisy. How do you connect with people like you? And strangely, this analogy applies to social media as well. While many have deemed Twitter and Facebook to be a “virtual water cooler”, I tend to think of it as crowded bar.
While social media can be an incredibly useful way to develop relationships, it can take a bit of work to cut through the noise and find the right people to talk to. And, once you find those people, how do you get to know them without tossing out the cheesy pick-up lines?
To continue reading, check out the full post here.
Want to take part in #BeMyGuest and write a post for my blog? Send me an e-mail with a brief description of what you’d like to write about and we’ll chat. 🙂