7 Reasons Business Leaders Should Run a Half Marathon

Two weeks ago, I ran in the Country Music Half Marathon. It was my third half marathon and each time, I learn amazing lessons that can be applied to business and life.

Now, before you think I’m a life-long runner, I’m not. Yes, I played sports growing up, but running was never my thing. I only started running last year as a way to get in better shape. And now I’m hooked. (This post talks about how I got started running.)

In fact, I’m now convinced that if you want to be a business leader, you should consider running a half marathon or find another physical activity to tackle.

So, why should business leaders run? Here are seven good reasons:

  1. It gives you a chance to de-stress. In the winter, I often run at the end of the day, which gives me a great opportunity to wind down or relieve some of the stresses from my day. It’s amazing how the physical exertion can help you relax (or at least take out some frustration!). Some days, I really don’t want to get out
     there, but I always feel better once I do. There simply is no better stress relief.
  2. Boosts creativity. Some of my best business and blogging ideas have come while I’m out running. Getting moving and away from the computer helps my mind to go free and allows the creative juices to flow. The change of scenery really helps too. You never know what you might see that will inspire you!
  3. Develops mental toughness. I’m going to be honest – running a half marathon is tough. But the mental challenges far outweigh the physical ones. It’s all about mindset. If you can overcome the mental obstacles in your way, it will be that much easier to tackle the hurdles in your business.
  4. Boosts confidence. Running has done great things for my self-esteem. Not only am I more fit, but it also feels pretty darn awesome to say you’ve run a half marathon. It’s an amazing accomplishment and it does wonders for your
    confidence – personally and professionally.
  5. You meet awesome people. Since I train with a running group, I’ve made some wonderful friends as part of the experience. I run with people from all walks of life and people who are twice my age. And when you spend two hours running with people, you really get to know them! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed chatting with people who have different backgrounds and experiences. I think it makes me better.
  6. It’s fun! As business leaders, we need to remember to inject some fun into our lives. Running is a great way to do it. Races have such an electric atmosphere and the energy is contagious. The signs, the people, the costumes, the tailgating. It’s all a lot of fun. Even you don’t ever run a half marathon, you should go watch
    one. It’s a total blast!
  7. Teaches you amazing business lessons. In addition to the things I’ve mentioned above, I think I’ve learned wonderful lessons throughout training and with each race I’ve run. In fact, there are two distinct things I learned this time around that I think are really applicable to business. Want to know what they are? Check out the video below.

  8. Have you ever run a half marathon or do you do some other physical activity? How do you think it helps you be a better business leader?

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Picture of Laura Click

Laura Click

Laura Click is brand strategist, speaker, podcaster and the founder of Blue Kite. Learn more about Laura and her work at Blue Kite.

6 replies on “7 Reasons Business Leaders Should Run a Half Marathon”

Yay Laura!!! Congrats! I’m impressed! Great video, too.
 You’re getting very comfortable with them and it shows!
I used to bike (not as competitively as Gini D, but long cross-state rides).
 I have been an on again, off again runner as well.
 Kids and new business will put a stop to a consistent schedule – at least they did for me.
 BUT, that’s not a real excuse.
 I think my priorities have gotten out of whack! I’ve recently (with the Lent post) started to inject some physical activity into each week.
 It was yoga for Lent and now is nightly walking with the kids.
 Today, I did a 3 1/2 mile walk with my daughter and realized that I could get up and out by 6:30 and be back in time for my husband to head off to his job – at least twice a week, right? I’ll start out walking/running and then progress to running.
 That’s my new summer plan.
 Let’s hope I pull it off.
 I’d love to do that half-marathon with you some day! I’ve heard that one is a blast!

Congrats again!

Thanks for the kind words, Erica! I appreciate you stopping by.

I would have never in a million years thought I would run a half marathon. I had friends who did them and thought it was absolutely nuts. But, after reading a blog post from
 about the benefits of running from a leadership perspective, I realized I needed to give it a go. Setting such a drastic goal FORCED me to get out there and run. Because I do the Galloway Run/Walk method, I only run twice during the week and do a group run on Saturday.

If I can do it, you can do it!!! I’d love to run one with you! In the meantime, I’m glad to hear you got out and walked today. I don’t know about you, but I feel SO much better when I’m active. I’ll cheer you on for your summer plan! You can do it!

Hey, you’re moving and talking! Great to see you come out from behind the written word 🙂

That being said, gosh darn it, why do you have to be one of those people who are good at everything? You’re a great writer, a smart lady, and now I find out you excel at athletics too? Give me a break, woman!! I can’t keep up with ya! 🙂

You are absolutely right – all of us are sitting through the day, guzzling coffee (and some might even be eating donuts). We need to remember to get up and go!

Your business lesson drawn from the marathon experience is also apropos. I find that comparing Social Media to a marathon helps me keep my head screwed on straight (or relatively straight, anyway).

Great stuff!

Yes, I’m slowly moving into the brave new world of video! I blame it on

Thanks for the way-too-sweet words, Margie. But, for the record, I am SO not good at everything. I may run, but no one here is saying I’m athletic! Just ask my Dad. He’ll be the first to tell you I throw like a girl! And to think, I thought that was a compliment when I was a kid….

Anyway, yes, getting up and away from the computer is really the best thing a business person can do. I swear, that’s when I get all my good ideas!

Laura, I love this. I’m a fanatic for running.

I like how you paired running and biz, really makes you think. Certainly, there are a lot of parallels. Well done! You taking names?

Cause you’re kicking ass.

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