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Seven Suggestions for Finding People to Follow on Twitter

September 10, 2009

Seven Suggestions for Finding People to Follow on Twitter

So, you’ve signed up for Twitter. You picked a cool username and created a nifty avatar. You signed up to follow @aplusk, @oprah and a few friends. You wait. And wait. And nothing happens. Then, you wonder why you even joined twitter in the first place. Does this sound familiar?

Top Six Reasons to Try Twitter

I’ll be the first to admit, I was not an early adapter of twitter. Like most people, I didn’t understand what it was about or why it was useful. Unfortunately, twitter’s “what are you doing?” prompt does not accurately portray how it’s used. For that reason, I believed Twitter was just a public version of Facebook. But boy, was I wrong.

Weekly Reading Roundup: Courtroom edition

I’ve compiled a list of my favorite reads from this week for your reading pleasure. I tweet or re-tweet many of these, but I thought this might be useful for those who don’t follow me on Twitter. One of my favorite blogs, Duct Tape Marketing, recently started doing this and I thought I’d do the same (after all, isn’t imitation the greatest form of flattery?).

Google Alerts: Why You Should Use It

Most public relations professionals use clipping services to monitor what the press is saying about their clients. In the old days, clips were literally cut out of papers and mailed to you. In today’s world, clips are typically delivered by e-mail. Even though I use a paid clipping services and believe they are valuable, I think it is also useful to set up some Google Alerts. Here’s why…

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